Neurological assessment 

Taking a comprehensive approach, this assessment determines which therapeutic options or further treatment can be recommended to those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. In the context of a traumatic brain injury (concussion, commotio cerebri), symptoms may have developed that limit quality of life and the ability to integrate into social and professional life.

Depending on the problem being dealt with, it may be that the brain injury actually took place a long time ago. Job prospects are often the focus here, but an assessment of this kind may also be conducted due to social problems and to help the patient cope with everyday life.

The assessment usually consists of a medical examination and a neuropsychological diagnosis. In addition, therapeutic assessments may also be carried out if required (physiotherapy/occupational therapy).

Comprehensive tests allow the main problems to be identified and therapeutic recommendations to be made based on symptoms.

Finally, a discussion is held with the patient (and with relatives and case managers as required), informing them about all the test findings and treatment options.

If the assessment is primarily aimed at reintegrating the patient at work, it will focus on clarifying whether day care rehabilitation treatment with intensive work-oriented training or inpatient work-oriented rehabilitation could facilitate the patient's return to work.


Bellikon Rehabilitation Clinic
Neurological Rehabilitation Office
Mutschellenstrasse 2
CH-5454 Bellikon AG
Tel. +41 56 485 53 02

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